Pasadena plans to put the Eastern section of E. Orange Grove Blvd on a “road diet”, cutting down a stretch of the Boulevard from four lanes down to two, and adding bike lanes. Some locals, especially residents of E. Orange Grove, are into the so-called road diet, but many others not so much. Residents claim they are subjected to high traffic noise, concerns about letting children play in the front yard, fearsome experiences crossing the street and difficulties turning left into or out of their driveways. Meanwhile, many people in the community feel that it will cause major traffic congestion on E. Orange Grove and surrounding streets.
Orange Grove Boulevard, one of Pasadena’s most iconic streets, traces a long arc from Mission Street in South Pasadena to Sierra Madre Villa Avenue at the City’s eastern edge. All along the boulevard, historic architecture recalls earlier eras of citrus groves, winter villas and handsome homes. The section east of Lake Avenue is the most residential in nature, with single-family homes, schools and parks.
The changes won’t impact the famous north-south portion. Initially, the reconfiguration plan included a 4.2-mile east-west section of Orange Grove Boulevard, from Lincoln Avenue to Sierra Madre Villa Avenue, but after an out cry of negative opinions from the community, the city is scaling down the project, suggesting the road diet only for the easterly, residential portion from Lake Avenue to Sierra Madre Villa Avenue, a stretch of 2.9 miles.
Over the past ten years, there have been 418 traffic collisions along Orange Grove Boulevard east of Lake Avenue, injuring 309 people and killing three. Over the years, this section of Orange Grove Boulevard has become used more and more as an alternative to the 210 freeway for high-speed traffic, and the city feels that putting E. Orange Grove on a “road diet” will lessen the speed and the amount of cars using Orange Grove to travel East and West through the city.
Thursday, March 22, 20186:30 PM to 8:00 PMOrange Grove Boulevard Reconfiguration Project – Allen Avenue to Sierra Madre VillaPasadena City College/Foothill Campus
Multi-Purpose Room
3035 E. Foothill Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91107Wednesday, March 28, 20186:30 PM to 8:00 PMOrange Grove Boulevard Reconfiguration Project – Lake Avenue to Allen AvenueMarshall Fundamental School
Library Building
990 N. Allen Avenue Pasadena, CA 91104