Pasadena Water and Power offers numberous rebates and free educational workshops to encourage its customers to choose energy and water efficent products. Pasadena also offers a Green Power subscription program, several financial assistance programs for qualifying customers, and numerous online calculators to help you analyze your home energy usage and improve energy efficiency. Customers get bonus rebates if they “buy local” from a Pasadena retailer.
From Pasadena Water & Power:
- Home Energy Rebate Program: Rebates on appliances, home heating/cooling, shade trees and pool pumps
- Home Energy Reports Program: The quarterly reports provide insightful, easy-to-understand information on personal and comparative household energy use
- PWP Webshop: Pasadena residential electric customers can purchase LED light bulbs at nearly half the cost!
- Refrigerator Recycling Rebate: Recycle your old, working refrigerator or freezer and get $50 back!
- Home Energy Calculator : View and print a report of your energy usage and earn a FREE LED light
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Program: Provides incentives when you reduce fuel costs and emissions by switching to plug-in electric vehicles
- Under One Roof: Provides money-saving programs and low or no interest loans that help Pasadena residents buy, keep, and revitalize their homes
From Other Energy Companies:
Energy Upgrade California – Pasadena Water & Power is not a participant in this program, but you may still qualify for program funds through LA County or the Southern California Gas Company.
From Pasadena Water & Power:
- Laundry-to-Landscape (L2L) Greywater Program: $80 voucher towards the cost of the greywater system for all eligible customers. Also available: No-cost direct install of L2L greywater systems for income qualified customers.
From Pasadena Water & Power And SoCal Water$Mart*
- Turf Removal Program: $0.60/sq. ft. to replace your turf with a California-friendly and water-efficient landscape.
- Rain Barrel Rebates: maximum of 2 rain barrels per home. Rebate amount is $100 per rain barrel
- Soil Moisture Sensor System: $250 or $50 per irrigation sensor for large residential sites
- Premium High Efficiency Toilets: $100
- High Efficiency Clothes Washer :$300
- Rotating Nozzles for Pop-up Spray Heads Retrofits: $7 per nozzle (minimum of 30 per home)
- Weather-Based Irrigation Controller: $250, under 1 acre or $50 per station, 1 acre or more
- Cisterns over 200 gallons: $500
*The SoCal Water$mart rebates listed above are special rates for PWP customers only, made possible by through The Metropolitan Water District’s SoCal Water$mart Program and matching funds from PWP. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis and may require a rebate reservation or other pre-requisites. Click here to learn more about rules specific to each product. Call MWD at 888-376-3314 to inquire about your rebate status.