The 2022 Pasadena Showcase House is at the location of Oaklawn Manor, a 116 year old English Tudor in South Pasadena. Harry Hawgood, an English civil engineer, built the nearly 10,000-square-foot home in 1905 for a whopping $7,000. He eventually sold the property, and after changing hands twice more, it was acquired in 1948 by Carlos Stratton and has been occupied by the Stratton family ever since.
Pasadena Showcase House of Design is the fundraiser produced by Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts to fund their music programs and award gifts and grants to other non-profit organizations to support their efforts. It is open for tours mid-April to mid-May.
Watch the full tour of the Pasadena Showcase House:
What does it take to be a Showcase House? There is no ideal house that meets all the criteria; so, every year the advantages are weighed against the disadvantages of the properties available for that year. Some years we have a plethora from which to choose, and some years, well, there are fewer. Sometimes there are grand mansions and other times charming homes on a smaller scale are chosen. No matter the square footage, each estate is renovated from top to bottom by leading designers using the latest concepts and materials.

Below is the list of designers involved with the 2022 Pasadena Showcase House of Design:
Billman Designs | The Fit Stop Gym and Bath | kmbillman@gmail.com
Christine Jahan Designs | Young Adult Bathroom | christinejahandesigns.com
Cordrey Collection | Sanctuary Bedroom | cordreycollection.com
Cozy Stylish Chic | Kitchen And Butler’s Pantry | cozystylishchic.com
Denise Bosley Interiors | Laundry Café | denisebosleyinteriors.com
Hermogeno Designs | Young Gentleman’s Quarters | hermogenodesigns.com
Interiors By Ranalli | Gentleman’s Retreat | interiorsbyranalli.com
Interiors By Ranalli | Sanctuary Bathroom | interiorsbyranalli.com
James Hernandez Interior Design | Sunroom | Jameshernandezdesign.com
Louise O’Malley, Inc | Dining Room | louiseomalley.com
Pamela Sandall Design | Grand Entry and Upstairs Gallery | pamelasandalldesign.com
Rachel Duarte Design Studio, LLC | Guest Suite | Rachelduarteds.com
Robert Frank Interiors | Living Room | robertfrankinteriors.com
Samantha Williams Interiors | Young Adult Bedroom | williamsinteriordesign.com
SH-Interiors | Library | sh-interiors.com
Shari Tipich Decorative Design and Artistry | Kimono Pavilion, Rear Staircase, and Landing | sharitipich@gmail.com
Sukeena Homes | Powder Room | sukeenahomes@gmail.com
The Art of Room Design | Pool Cabana | theartofroomdesign.com
Tocco Finale Interior Design | Family Entertainment Center | toccofinalehome.com
California Waterscapes | Tranquil Oak Waterfalls | californiawaterscapes.com
G & A Artistic Landscaping | Oaklawn Welcome Garden and Oaklawn Veranda | ga.artistic.landscaping@gmail.com